Construction Risk

Are Engineers Human?

Dr. Patricia Galloway: November 2014 TED Talk at TEDx Manhattan Beach.

This TED Talk by Pat Galloway is to inspire and motivate young people— especially girls and young women—to become engineers.  If you know anyone you would like to encourage to study engineering, I highly recommend this presentation.  In fact, even if you are already an engineer, I encourage you view this video and show it to your friends and family to remind them just how important engineers are to our community and nation – and not just for designing and building things.  They will learn, for example, that one third of the Chief Executive Officers of Standard & Poors companies have engineering degrees.

Also visit the website,, a website developed by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), to bring attention to the opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women.

Dr. Patricia D. Galloway
President and CEO
Pegasus Global Holdings, Inc.
1750 Emerick Road
Cle Elum, WA 98922
Phone: 509-857-2235
Fax: 509-857-2237


This is published in Report, Vol. 16, No. 10 (December 2014).

Copyright 2014, ConstructionRisk, LLC

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