Testing Your Ethical Barometer

By:  Michael Loulakis The barrage of corporate misdeeds reported over the past year makes one wonder how things could have possibly gotten so out-of-hand.  How could Enron’s management get away with “cooking the books” and reporting phantom revenue so easily for so...

Condominium Association Barred by Economic Loss Doctrine from Suing Consultant for Repair Costs, and Lacks Third Party Beneficiary Rights to Sue the Consultant for Breach of Warranty

Where construction defects caused significant repair costs, a condominum association at Stratton Mountain (along with the project developer) sued and settled with the construction contractor for the defects for over $7 million but then incurred more than that in...

IRMI Expert Commentary

Kent Holland has been writing expert commentary for the International Risk Management Institute (IRMI) for many years on the subject of environmental insurance law and coverage.  His expert environmental commentary articles that are available...