by Kent Holland | Jun 19, 2019 | Newsletter Article
With news of increased flooding throughout the United States, what is a design professional’s standard of care when it comes to designing buildings that could foreseeably be damaged? My Briefing Paper of Summer 2018 suggested that even if designers comply with...
by Kent Holland | Jan 22, 2019 | Newsletter Article
Contractor sued engineer for damages it claimed it sustained as a result of negligent design that the engineer prepared for a project owner. Although an engineering firm could owe a duty to reasonably draft and interpret project specifications and it could be...
by Kent Holland | Oct 24, 2018 | Newsletter Article
Extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and excessive rains causing severe flooding, seem to be increasingly in the news and on the public’s mind. This briefing addresses the legal and ethical responsibilities that design professionals must consider with respect to...
by Kent Holland | Oct 2, 2018 | Newsletter Article
By: J. Kent Holland, Jr. The wording for clauses presented in this paper are what ConstructionRisk, LLC uses as our templates for suggested revisions when redlining a design professional contract to allocate the risk more equitably and make the contract more insurable...
by Kent Holland | May 13, 2018 | Newsletter Article
Architect is subject to potential liability for failure of design to comply with fire code requirements regardless of whether the generally accepted standard of care was satisfied. This is because it agreed to contract language stating it would comply with the...